

单词 airport
airport/ˋɛr͵pɔrt; ˈeəpɔːt/ n [C] a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in 飞机场TOPIC 主题At the airport you go into the terminal . You check in (=show your ticket, leave your bags etc) at the check-in desk , usually two hours before your flight leaves. You go through airport security where passengers and their bags are checked for weapons etc. You wait in the departure lounge until your flight number is called. You go through the departure gate before boarding (=getting on) the plane. The plane takes off from the runway . When the plane lands/touches down , you get off. If you have travelled from another country, you show your passport as you go through immigration and then you go through customs where your bags may be checked before leaving the airport. 到了机场﹐你要去航站楼(terminal)﹐在值机柜台(check-in desk)办理登机手续(check in)﹐这通常是在航班(flight)起飞前两小时办理。 然后要过机场安检(airport security)﹐乘客和行李都要在这里接受检查﹐看是否携带了武器等违禁物品。 接着在候机厅(departure lounge)等待﹐叫到你的航班号(flight number)后﹐经过登机口(departure gate)登机(boarding)。 飞机从跑道(runway)上起飞(take off)。 飞机降落(land/touch down)后下机。 如果是入境﹐则要过移民局检查站(immigration)并出示护照(passport)﹐通过海关(go through customs)并在海关接受行李检查后便可离开机场。




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